Continuous Casting

N. Ferrara Inc manufactures the most trouble-free Continuous Casting Machine in operating and maintenance on the market. Its heavy duty construction combined with our continuous effort in using the latest technology makes the equipment free of problems, leaks, die and crucible wear.

The continuous casting machine obtains a high flexibility for most materials including copper and copper based alloys, gold, silver and all precious metals. It operates under atmosphere inert gas which minimizes the oxidation of graphite crucible and die. Its ability to recycle scrap metal and precious metal makes it possible to cut costs and reduce waste which allows for more profitable manufacturing for our customers.

We use the highest quality silicone carbide heating element to power the heat zone. This enables a longer element life, a decreased cost in replacing the elements less frequently and its unique design makes it is easier to change the element (normal replacement time is 15 min with a HOT Furnace).